add-circle-bold add-circle add-square add alarm-bell-1 alert-diamond analytics-pie-2 archive archive arrow-down-1 arrow-down-2 arrow-left-1 arrow-right-1 arrow-up-1 attachment-1 bin-paper-1 book-star button-record check-1 check-circle-1 close close-quote close cog-1 cog common-file-stack copy-paste credit-card-1 diagram-fall-down disable time-clock-midnight download-thick-bottom drawer-send envelope-letter envelope-letter expand-6 expand-6 file-code filter-1 floppy-disk flying-insect-honey folder-file-1 headphones-customer-support hierarchy-9 hyperlink-2 information-circle keyboard-arrow-down keyboard-arrow-up layout-module-1 list-bullets lock-2 lock-unlock-1 love-it messages-bubble-square move-to-top multiple-circle multiple-neutral-1 multiple-users-1 navigation-menu-horizontal navigation-menu network-browser open-quote pencil-1 pencil-write pencil-1 print-text rating-star rating-star remove-circle remove-square-1 search send-email-1 shield-warning single-neutral-actions single-neutral smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-smile-1_1 smiley-happy smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-happy smiley-thrilled social-media-twitter synchronize-arrows-1 tags-double ticket-1 ticket-1 time-clock-circle undo view-1 view-off view wench

Widget doesn't update

For correct work of widgets, you must allow to app the background activity, how do it, please read below.

Please inspect your Android system settings and assure below mentioned points:


Samsung devices:

1) Allow running app on background: 

- Open the Settings screen 

- Tap the Device maintenance 

- Tap the Battery 

- Scroll to bottom and tap the Unmonitored apps 

- Tap the 3-dot menu in top right corner 

- Add "3D Earth" to the list


Huawei devices:

1) HUAWEI users must add our app into Protected Apps. List of protected apps can be accessed in Settings>Protected Apps or Phone Manager>Settings>Protected Apps.


2) On EMUI 5 (Android 7): 

a. Disable battery optimization 

- Tap the Settings Icon on Home Screen or via Notification bar (swipe down and Tap the wheel icon in the top right corner) 

- Tap the Apps item 

- Tap the Settings icon 

- Tap the Special Access item 

- Tap the Ignore battery optimization item 

- Tap the Allowed header and change to All Apps 

- Find and Tap the "3D Earth"

- Tap the Allow item 

- Tap the OK button 

- Disable “Close apps after screen lock” 

- Tap the Settings Icon on Home Screen 

- Tap the Battery item 

- Tap the Close apps after screen lock 

- Find "3D Earth" and set it to Don’t Close


b. Disable Close excessively power-intensive apps 

- Tap the Settings Icon on Home Screen or via Notification bar (swipe down and Tap the wheel icon in the top right corner) 

- Tap the Battery item 

- Tap the Settings Wheel Icon in top right corner 

- Disable Close excessively power-intensive apps


c. Protect the application from being killed by system 

- go to the list of all running processes 

- find the "3D Earth" process 

- on Android 7+ you will see a small lock icon 

- click on it to lock it down 

- from this time Android will not try to kill this process


3) EMUI 4 (Android 6) 

a. Add app to Protected Apps 

- Tap the Settings Icon on Home Screen or via Notification bar (swipe down and Tap the wheel icon in the top right corner) 

- Tap the Advanced Settings item 

- Tap the Battery Manager item 

- Tap the Protected Apps item 

- Tap the Ignore battery optimization item 

- Find "3D Earth" item and set to protected


HTC devices:

For HTC phones if some app is not able to work it is very likely killed by the memory or battery management. 

Please check this article and the below tips:


1) Battery optimization for apps When you have connections such as Wi‍-Fi on while the phone is in sleep mode, some apps may still continue to use the battery. Starting from Android 6.0, battery optimization is enabled for all apps by default which helps prolong battery standby time when you're not using the phone. On the other hand, "3D Earth" app needs to be active all the time to catch all calls.


a) Turning battery optimization off in apps 

- From the Home screen, tap the dots, and then find and tap Settings. 

- Tap Power. 

- Tap Battery optimization. 

- Tap Not optimized > All apps to see the complete list of apps. 

- To turn off battery optimization in an app, tap the "3D Earth" name, and then tap Don't optimize > Done.


2) Using Boost+ Memory manager If you are using some higher HTC devices, you very likely use the Boost+ manager. In this app you should set the exceptions for "3D Earth" app to let it work.


a) Adding apps to the Smart Boost exception list You can choose to set the Boost+ app to skip some apps when it runs its Smart Boost checks. 

- From the Home screen, tap dots, and then find and tap Boost+. 

- Tap Smart boost. 

- Tap dots > Manage skipped apps. 

- Tap "+", and then select the "3D Earth" to skip. 

- Tap Add.


b) Optimizing apps running in the foreground 

Note: This feature may not be available on all phones. 

- From the Home screen, tap dots, and then find and tap Boost+. 

- Tap Optimize foreground apps. 

- On the Optimize foreground apps screen, tap the On/Off switch next to "3D Earth" to turn the optimization OFF for it.


Lenovo devices:

On your Lenovo, one thing must be granted for our application - it must be able to run as a background process. 

Here are two tips how to make it:


a) How to put the application to work on background Long press menu button to see current running apps. Tap and hold the app you wish to keep running in background and drag it down. It should lock the app.


b) How to make the applications to start on background Go to Settings -> Power manager -> Background app management and you will get a list of all the apps that auto start. Assure that "3D Earth" is on, this will also prevent the system from killing the app when the screen is locked (turned off).


Nexus devices:

Mostly the application on Nexus could be killed by memory manager or battery management. According to your Android version please check this:


Doze and App Standby For some models, Doze and App Standby has been added to help reduce battery consumption (Android 6 and higher mostly). From app settings, you can whitelist apps to prevent it from being affected by Doze or App standby. Some apps are already exempted such as critical system apps. If you are not receiving notifications from a particular app, like a third party alarm clock, you can add the application to a whitelist that will ignore the battery optimizations. As a workaround to ensure notifications are received : 

1) Go to Settings > General tab (if applicable) > Battery & power saving > Battery usage > Ignore optimizations. 

2) Tap the app to ignore battery optimizations.


Second possibility how to find it: 

1) From a Home screen, navigate: Apps > Settings > Battery. 

2) Tap the Menu icon (three dots located in the upper-right). 

3) Tap Battery optimization. Note that Apps/services unable to be optimized appear grayed out. 

4) Tap the "Not optimized" dropdown menu icon (located at the top). 

5) Tap All apps. 

6) Tap the appropriate app - "3D Earth", then tap "Don't optimize", then tap Done


SONY devices:

Please inspect your Android system settings and assure below mentioned points:

1) Android™ 6.0.1 or higher a. To make exceptions from optimization 

- From your Home screen, tap the Application screen icon. 

- Find and tap Settings > Battery. 

- Tap the menu button (three vertical dots) and select Battery optimization. A list appears showing applications that are not optimized. 

- To add apps to this list, swipe to the APPS tab. 

- To add an app, tap it to mark its checkbox. This exempts the app from being affected by App Standby and, where available, Doze mode and STAMINA mode.


2) Android™ 6.0 a. To make exceptions from optimization 

- From your Home screen, tap the Application screen icon. 

- Find and tap Settings > Battery or Battery usage. 

- Tap the menu button (three vertical dots) and select Battery optimization. A list appears showing applications that are not optimized. 

- To add applications to this list, tap Not optimized > All apps. 

- Tap an app, then tap Don't optimize > DONE. This exempts the app from being affected by App Standby and, where available, Doze mode and STAMINA mode.


3) Android™ 5.x 

- From your Home screen, tap the Settings screen icon (Gear). 

- Find and tap Power management > STAMINA mode 

- Tap Apps active in standby, and add application


This article from SONY for XPERIA mobiles could be interesting for above mentioned:


Xiaomi devices:

1) For MIUI 8

a. Allow running in background 

- Open the Settings 

- Tap the Battery & performance 

- Tap the Manage apps battery usage 

- Tap the Choose apps 

- Find and tap the "3D Earth"

- Set Background Settings to No restrictions


b. Disable Power Saving (If allow running in background not work) 

- Open the Settings 

- Tap the Battery & performance 

- Tap the Manage apps battery usage 

- Tap the Power Saving Modes > Off


c. Enable Start in background 

- Open the Settings 

- Tap the Installed apps 

- Find and tap the "3D Earth"

- Tap the Other permissions 

- Enable the Start in background


d. Enable notifications on lock screen 

- Open the Settings 

- Tap the Installed apps 

- Find and tap the "3D Earth" 

- Tap the Custom notification 

- Enable the Lock screen notifications 

- Press Back 

- Tap the Other permissions 

- Enable the Show on Lock screen