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Application issue

3 articles

Weather maps or radar doesn't work

The radar and weather map images provided by the third-party companies. All images located on the third-party companies servers. Weather Now app get the images directly from third-party companies servers. If you are doesn't see the radar and weather map images in the app, maybe you have t...

If the app does not run or does show an error message

Please follow these steps: Check you have used the latest version of the application. If not please download the update. You must download the app from the Google Play Store only. All updates are free of charge. Reboot your device. If steps 1 and 2 don't help, delete the app from the device ...

Widget doesn't update

For correct work of widgets, you must allow to app the background activity, how do it, please read below. Please inspect your Android system settings and assure below mentioned points: Samsung devices: 1) Allow running app on background: - Open the Settings screen - Tap the Dev...